Sunday, April 02, 2006

The next LOST?

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I know I watch alot of TV and I know TV rots your brain. I don't care. There are still a few shows out there that I enjoy and to round out my top three, a tribute to LOST. When Season one of LOST came out of DVD, we had a viewing party at the apartment. I thought, yeah, they'll get a taste of how good this stuff is. Like ALIAS, it's addicting as or even more addicting than crack. I introduced Pat and Kay to it so they called me the crack dealer. Fine by me. Didn't know how hooked they'd become.

First, we watched the Pilots, parts 1 and 2. Good, sweet, potent stuff directed and co-written by JJ Abrams. It was visual. It was thrilling. It was brilliant. Had to see what was next. What started as an innocent intro to LOST turned into the LOST marathon from dusk 'til dawn, literally. I think it started off with Pat, Kay, Joe, Randy, Mel and me. Joe and Randy left sometime after maybe halfway through the season. I left to see my parents off to China at LAX and came back to find Mel and Kay still watching at 5am. We took a break to eat breakfast and came back to finish off the ENTIRE season of LOST in one sitting. Insane, right? I'm telling you, I only bring the best of the best.

Same place, different time for season two.

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Anyway, found some interesting stuff about what is coming up on LOST. Don't read on if you don't want to know things.

This is scoop from Kristen Vietch of E! from her weekly column:

Lost Rocks My World! Okay, so this isn't exactly news. But how mind-blowingly fantastic was this week's ep? I had goose bumps on top of goose bumps on top of Sawyer (wait, that was a dream), especially the discovery of that map on the hatch door!

"The beauty of it is, the door goes back up and [Locke] can't access the thing anymore, so for the next two episodes, he's just trying to remember what it is he saw," Damon revealed. "It's such a huge piece of 'Wait a minute!' in sort of the spirit of Locke as a man of faith being given instructions from the island. This thing that only he can see."

Turns out that supercool black-light reveal is a major plot point that carries on through the rest of the season. "Oh yeah, big time," Damon said. "I mean, it plays huge in the finale, and even in episodes 21 through 24. Twenty-one is an episode that is very much on the sort of fundamental axis of that map, and it's a Locke and Eko story, which is going to be awesome. [Executive Producer] Carlton [Cuse] and I wrote it. That episode is just called '?' because that is the symbol Locke remembers from the map."

Okay, so, Eko, Locke, Damon, Carlton, map? Could it get any better?

More from her site here:

Want more???

Well, I'm hearing buzz about this new show, Heroes. They say it's the next LOST. It'll debut in the Fall. I'm just saying, watch for this one.

This is from TV Guide's Mike Ausiello:

Is Heroes the Next Lost?

A shiver just went down my spine. No, I didn't listen to my birthday message from Mariska Hargitay again. OK, yes I did — but that's not where the shiver came from. I just finished reading a first draft of the script for Heroes, NBC's fall pilot about everyday folks blessed with superpowers, and, well, to answer the question I posed in the title, yes, I believe a new Lost-like phenomenon is about to be born. And here's why:

THE CAST ROCKS: In addition to one of my FFPOTP Greg Grunberg, the ensemble boasts Gilmore guy Milo Ventimiglia and teenage wunderkind Hayden Panettiere. The show's behind-the-scenes pedigree is equally as impressive. Dave Semel, whose credits include directing the American Dreams pilot, has just signed on to helm the Heroes pilot. And while I may not deem Crossing Jordan FauxVo-worthy, I'm suddenly a big fan of its (and Heroes') creator, Tim Kring.

I'M ALREADY OBSESSED WITH THE CHARACTERS: Just as Lost isn't really a show about a haunted island, Heroes isn't a show about crusaders, caped or otherwise. It's about people — albeit ones with extraordinary quirks. "I kind of want to stay away from the superhero aspect," says Kring. "It's about very ordinary people all over the world who literally discover that they have special powers, and it's their dealing with that." The superheroes, er, ordinary people include a 30-year-old male nurse who believes he can fly — and, unlike R. Kelly, really can; a 28-year-old junkie who has the ability to paint images of the future; a 33-year-old Las Vegas showgirl who can do incredible things with mirrors; a 24-year-old Japanese comic-book geek who literally makes time stand still; a 31-year-old inmate who can transport himself through walls (eat your heart out, Michael Scofield); and a 17-year-old cheerleader who defies death at every turn (think of Bruce Willis in Unbreakable, only with blonde hair and big pom-poms).

I CAN RELATE: You didn't hear? I, too, was born with unnatural abilities. All kidding aside (wink, wink), as Kring points out, "It's pretty grounded in reality. Part of what makes it really feel very real is that these people's lives should mirror your own; you should be able to see your ordinary life reflected on screen."

IT'S ALL ONE BIG PUZZLE: And you know the deal with puzzles. "It's a big interconnected saga," says Kring. "They're all drawn together towards a destiny of saving the world." And not to OD on the Lost parallels, but Kring adds, "It's extremely serialized."

IT'S SCARY: What would an extremely serialized show about superheroes, er, ordinary people (I have to stop doing that!) be without a creepy antagonist? Heroes' big baddie is described as a "Max Von Sydow-type" whose trademark accessory is a pair of horned rimmed glasses. And although his intentions aren't made crystal clear in the pilot, one thing is certain: He wants to get his hands on some of that super DNA.

ONCE AGAIN, IT SENT A SHIVER DOWN MY SPINE: "It" being the final scene. Provided Kring doesn't tinker too much with the script — I can't stress enough that I read an early draft — the climactic sequence, as inevitable as it may seem, will make you stand up and shout, "It's my new Lost!" And the next words out of your mouth better be: "Ausiello was right!"


At 6:31 PM, Blogger ANNA said...

gweeeeenie this show is so aaaaahhh i can't handle it! (get a grip anna)


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