Monday, May 01, 2006


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I know. I know. Tom Cruise. Blah, blah, blah. The guy is overexposed, but I'm still interested in watching M:i:III because of JJ Abrams and Keri Russell.

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JJ Abrams is the creator of ALIAS and co-creator of LOST and Felicity. He is a multi-talented genius who appears to be just a really cool, nice, regular guy. I admire those kind of people. He just made Time magazine's list of 100 people who shape our world.
"He was born to impinge and invade pop culture. Any person who has been exposed to his TV creations Alias or Lost has felt the rapture of his storytelling. He is a story dealer. He delivers what could be called the Lay's of yarns: you can't watch just one. I watched all of Alias' first season in two days, pushing all aside to the near destruction of my personal and business life. I had to tear myself away. They harken back to the classic cliffhangers of early cinema serials, with the bravado of my favorite pulp-fiction novels—the adventure, the characters, all of it. I just couldn't get enough."
-Tom Cruise

Mission Impossible III opens on May 5th.


More from the wunderkind that is JJ Abrams:
"I love big movies when they're well done. I love movies that are epic in scope but intimate in character and emotion."
"I took it seriously," he said of the initial offer to direct, "but I had been through so many near misses. I had worked on Superman for two years (post-Nicolas Cage, during the Brett Ratner phase) and that didn't happen. Before that, I had written a movie version of The Man With X-Ray Eyes, which I loved, for Tim Burton and that never happened. I had written a version of Speed Racer that I worked on forever and that never happened."


    At 2:31 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

    yay felicity! well keri russell... (sigh)

    At 7:50 AM, Blogger ANNA said...

    I'd watch it! The other M.I.'s were cool.


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