Thursday, January 04, 2007

Snow Day

Lesson of the day: RESPECT the box

The census was still low at the hospital so I got a free day off from work and got to go snowboarding with James, Seong, Ja and Eric. Just gotta say right now, I'm achy and tired and sore and my ass hurts.

Fun day.

I practiced my carving while the boys tried the jumps, the rails, the boxes and all the other crazy stunts they could put on the mountain. I tried one...the box. Everyone of us, exept James can tell you, the box looks easy enough to handle, but looks don't matter if you don't respect it's potential for harm. Luckily, I cleared my first run on the box. I think it was because I was so terrified and went especially slow. My second turn didn't go so well. My ass is paying for it. The boys can tell you their experiences with the box. Better yet, watch James' video. He has it all on tape.

I respect you, box.

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James made out with....this wood board. Hahaha. The picture isn't of him, but I wanted to show you what the board looked like.

It was hilarious. His plan was to do something really cool, I'm sure, but on his last run on the board he somehow went up and landed perpendicular to the board, almost kissing it. Seong described it as the stuffed animal, Garfied stuck on a window.

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Beat up, but still smiling.

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Return to the scene of the inicident: A few years ago, when my snowboarding skills were even worse than they are now, I took the wrong path at Bear and ended up with the halfpipes inbetween me and my way down. What was I to do?

I made my way to he middle of the two halfpipes and sat and watched these guys drop in and do their tricks. When I was tired of that I tried to leaf it down the middle. I got too close to the edge and before I knew it, I was falling in. On my way down my face scrapped the side of ice. Anna found me at the end of the path and looked at me with concern in her eyes that said, "What happened?" and "Are you okay?" I knew I had maybe bruised my face. What I didn't know was that I had a half-dollar sized ouchy on my right cheek with blood that was already frozen over.

Wish I had a picture of it but they said it looked like I took lipstick and rubbed it on my cheek. Haha. Anna took me to first aid where they did the whole neuro check thing. I was fine, I think. Anyway, that's my halfpipe story.


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