Monday, May 28, 2007


Hooray for the month of May!
Randeezy's birthday
Leia's graduation
Isa's graduation
Larnie's new job
Ate Cyn and Gary's bachelorette/bachelor party
Marc and Matt's McDonald's surprise birthday party
Strawberry Festival

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We celebrated Randeezy's birthday in West Covina at Dockside Grill, a place "where seafood lovers and steak lovers can get together." Good eats! I think we all had happy tummies. Check out the video below. Afterwards, we had some under 21 fun at SpeedZone (Is that right? Oh, whatever.) and watched some dudes win a Wii. A Wii!!!

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Earlier in the week, Randy, Joe and Riann and I got to see Leia graduate Nursing school from these "fancy" box seats at the San Gabriel Auditorium. We yelled and screamed and even did the wave. Riann cheered so much, she didn't realize who she was cheering. She cheered on some girl she thought was Leia. Hahaha! Welcome to the club!

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After we ate lunch with Leia's family, we went to a Karaoke place in Alhambra. Happy hour is $15 dollars with one drink from 2:30pm to 8pm. After that, we walked around downtown Alhambra and found a cool art showcase/bookstore where the Naughty Boys, Joe and Randy found an art piece of themselves. Guess who's who.

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After, after I watched, with a "head change" the midnight viewing of Pirates with Anna, Lil Tin, Cile and James. Oh, Orlando...drool! And Jump Street still got it! He's great!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The "Best Show Ever"-Joss Whedon

The idiots at the CW have killed Veronica Mars. Check out the story here.

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"In a lifetime of dedicated television watching, Veronica Mars is easily one of the five best shows I've ever dug." - Kevin Smith

"I can't take my eyes off the damn thing."- Stephen King
"In this milieu, Veronica Mars was a revelation: she radiated easy confidence. She was interested in but not obsessed with the opposite sex, vulnerable but not dependent, and above all, genuinely smart and funny. She was her own person; she had her own thing going. She spent her time outwitting men, not weeping over them. Hell, she even had a healthy relationship with her father!"
-David Roberts, The Huffington Post

My DVDs are FREE to rent. Get in line.

Watch this clip!

Veronica and her pony

Veronica does the hip thrust...hilarious!

Spoilery one here!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Changing heads

Hooray for Trishia!

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My brother's girlfriend graduated from the same nursing program that I did two years ago. We celebrated at Tutti's in downtown Ventura. Who knew Ventura had such posh restaurants? I guess Emilo Estevez and Martin Sheen do. They were dining at the same restaurant. Breakfast Club and the West Wing were in the house!

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We started the evening at the French restaurant across the street, 71 Palm because we were too early for our reservations at Tutti's. I've never seen this. At the bar, they had boiled eggs ready to eat as some sort of appetizer. Cheese and wine, good. Eggs and wine, don't know about that one. Trishia's brother's partner tried it and wasn't too pleased with it.

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After our one drink we went back to get seated.
Sheena: I have a Head Change.
Us: [puzzled looks] Huh!?! Head Change?
Me: You mean you're buzzed?
Sheena: Yeah.
Us: Hahahaha!
Me: I've never heard it put that way, but okay, I think we all have a Head Change.

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Happy National Nurses Week!