Friday, May 19, 2006

Goodbye to you, ALIAS.

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You might be surprised by this, but I didn't watch ALIAS when it first came out. I worked on Sundays and got off when the show ended at 10pm. I didn't want to watch if I hadn't started from the beginning, but my friend told me to check it out. I thought it was good. Slowly, I caught on to the characters and the story but those darn cliffhangers kept me going back.

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I remember the moment I became a fanatic. I love, love, love love stories. Second season, Vaughn was sick with the virus from the big red ball. Sydney saved his life by getting the vial that contained the cure. After visiting Syd's mother in the jail cell and telling Irina that he's in love with her daughter, Vaughn went to see Sydney to thank her for saving his life. For most of the time preceding this moment, there was tension, affection, an obvious connection between Syd and Vaughn, but many things were in the way of them being together. Anyway, they had this MOMENT. I just put that scene on YouTube.

It's nice to know I'm not alone in feeling the loss of ALIAS. Did you know Mary J. Blige was an alias addict?
"I am a die-hard fan of Alias. Why are they taking it off the air? I don't understand! I mean, Sydney was doubled by Ana, and then she killed Ana, and now she's with Prophet Five--there's so much more to be told."
-Mary J. Blige to E! Online's Kristen Vietch

I love Mary J. Blige.

Here are some reasons why I loved ALIAS from an article entitled Confessions of an 'Alias' Addict:
"Thematically, the show explored such age-old questions as fate versus free will, nature versus nurture and good versus evil, albeit in the background of slinky evening dresses and karate kicks. Above all, the show examined the intersection of love and deception.

In short, there was a surprising amount of substance accompanying all that style."
Thanks to JJ for creating a kick ass show with strong, smart characters. Thanks to Jennifer Garner and the cast for portraying those characters with heart and depth. It was brilliant. I'm bummed the show is over, but it'll live on in DVD. So I say, goodbye ALIAS.

Hi, I'm Gwen and I'm an ALIAS addict. But you already knew that.

I gotta tell you about my ALIAS autograph stories. First, I went as a seatfiller to ABC's 50th anniversary special. We weren't really seatfillers inside the show, we were the crowd welcoming the "stars" into the Pantageas theatre. I got pretty close, too. This was when she was still married to Scott Foley, so I thought I'd bring along with me her ALIAS DVDs to sign and his Felicity DVDs for him to sign. On the red carpet, chaos. When it finally died down, Jennifer and Michael walked the red carpet together. No sign of Foley. She came over to us to sign and I pulled out the DVDs. I put the ALIAS and Felicity DVD right next to each other. When she went to sign, she saw his, took a second and moved over to hers to sign. I didn't realize it then, but she and Scott were separating. Oops. She also had a blue pen in her hand already, which doesn't show too well on the black DVD. Oops2. Still, a cool siting.
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Then, a couple of years ago, I got to go to a session called "creating characters" at the Musem of Television and Radio. Jennifer Garner, Keri Russell and their show creators, JJ Abrams and Matt Reeves (co-creator of Felicity) spoke about their characters, Sydney and Felicity, how they came up with the charcters, what influences their acting, all that stuff. It was pretty cool. It was like watching a live DVD commentary. At the end of the Q&A session, the audience crowded the stage, myself included to get autographs and pictures. I brought my clipboard and the baseball card I wanted Jennifer to sign. I held it above other people's heads as she made her way down the crowd signing. After she did mine I thought, "Yay, I got it." Looked at it to find out she autographed the clipboard, not the card. Oh, well. It's still memorabilia to me. So, I went up to JJ Abrams and asked him to sign it.
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The next ALIAS siting was at California Adventure. Didn't get Garner's autograph, but I did get Greg Grunberg's, JJ Abrams' best friend. You know him as Ben and Noel's roommate on Felicity, Agent Weiss on Alias, The Pilot from the pilot of Lost and the guest talking to Tom Cruise in M:i:III. Kevin Weisman, Agent Marshall happened to be walking by me, so I grabbed him for a picture. I also caught a rare Garner/Vartan moment. They were dating at the time and tried to stay apart at the event.
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Last, my Vartan sitings. I've seen him play hockey several times. HOT! So HOT! Got some really close shots of him at the Stars with Sticks 2004 hockey game. We were literlly face to face, with only the clear glass barrier seperating us. At last years' game, I got to finally approach him and what do I do? I got shy and quiet. All I could do was ask for an autograph when I really wanted a picture with him. Fortunately, I found a picture another fan took from afar. That's me in the red next to him.
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At 4:58 PM, Blogger ANNA said...

GWEEEEN YOU GET THE AWARD FOR MOST DEDICATED FANATIC minus the crazy (like some *NSYNC fans i know, what?)! hahaha!


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