Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Forrest Gump-ers

235- Dad's cholesterol level.

I asked him how he was going to try to get that number below 200. He said he'd exercise and diet. Dad loves to play ping pong. A few years ago we bought him a ping pong table. The trouble is, no one at home can really play with him. Jason and I are both out of the house and Mom ain't really good. So, he found this ping pong league that meets once a week for a few hours. They play at the old Oxnard High School gym. Boy, that brought back memories of the old school when I went to watch him play. This ain't no kiddie ping pong. It ain't that crazy with the balls flying at 80 mph either, but those guys did have skills. It was fun to see Dad challege them, even though he got his butt kicked by this old guy.

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At 10:02 PM, Blogger cecile marie said...

we need a ping pong table!

At 10:39 PM, Blogger ANNA said...

oooh your dad should play with Riann's dad!


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