Wednesday, June 21, 2006

we're grown'd up

It's a hard thing to accept.

When did we become grown-ups?

Yeah, I got my degree six years ago and also have gone back to get another one, but still... I feel like I just got out of college, like I'm just now starting to stand up on my own.

Today, Ate Tin, Leia and I helped Isa look for wedding dresses....WEDDING DRESSES! Geez! I mean, I've been to plenty of weddings and many of my high school friends are already married. Yet, it is now (at least for me) starting to feel like the right time things like these are happening.

It's a scary thing...this adult thing is. You think if we stick together, it'll be less scary?

Oh, responsibility.


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Beautiful dresses here at Mon Amie on Bristol in Costa Mesa. We weren't allowed to take pictures of Isa trying on the dresses, but I did get this one of us looking through the racks for pretty ones for her to try on. Isa (Ate singing), "You're're beautiful, it's true."

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Who here has worked at the UCI bookstore or knows anyone that has? I see your hands going up. Yep, it seemed like we all worked there. That was my first job and a really a cool place to work. We went to the bookstore to get Leia's cousin a sweater. While we were there we visited Shelley, Isa and my old boss from the merchandise department. We did the "what's going on with you" chat and reminised about the old days. The place looks the same as it did when we were still going to school there. [Time warp.] Shelley was a great boss.


At 2:47 PM, Blogger ANNA said...



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